Julian Assange has created his own fountain of youth with the WikiLeaks' release of "Cablegate: 250,000 US Embassy Diplomatic Cables". These cables have essentially tossed authority figures around the world back into the gossip filled arena of your typical suburban secondary school.
There are the petit-bourgeois students who have inferiority complexes and complain to their parents about being teased, thus forcing Principal America to apologize to said parents. There are the cool students who smoke and methodically deny it to Principal America who continuously disciplines them despite also smoking on occasion. There are the popular kids who call the unpopular kids immature things like "dumb liars" in spite of Principal America's attempts at breaking them apart. And there are the students that thoughtlessly make blatant racial slurs, which would make their great-great-grandparents proud, behind the backs of the few non-Caucasian "Others" as Principal America grabs her twenty-foot pole and stands back.
Thoroughly rinse and repeat...
Unfortunately on this global fantasy campus the parents are a divorced countryside, racism is as affluent as ever, and smoke still kills.
Countless news sources have, for the most part, bullhorned the cables that have become publically accessible through WikiLeaks and we aim to amplify any information that we find particularly significant.
Welcome to Pangæa High!
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