Films On Rotation


   Winter's Bone (2010)
   Director: Debra Granik
   Rating ::  A-

   Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010)
   Director: Banksy
   Rating ::  A

   The King's Speech (2010)
   Director: Tom Hooper
   Rating ::  A+

   Black Swan (2010)
   Director: Darren Aronofsky
   Rating ::  A-

   127 Hours (2010)
   Director: Danny Boyle
   Rating ::  A

   Easy A (2010)
   Director: Will Gluck
   Rating ::  B

   The Social Network
   Director: David Fincher
   Rating ::  A+

   Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
   Director: Edgar Wright
   Rating ::  A-  (click for reviews)


   The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
   Director: Andrew Dominik
   Rating ::  A+

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